Cheeseburger review and information
Cheeseburger is a hybrid cannabis strain. Cheeseburger has a modest amount of 17% THC on average although this number could vary from one grower to another.
Cheeseburger can make you feel tingly and has been reported to help with pain. Cheeseburger has a relatively strong cheese aroma. Some side effects and negatives has been experienced with this strain including .
If you find yourself having a difficult time choosing between sativa and indica, the good news is that you can enjoy the best of both worlds with a hybrid strain. Some people prefer the energizing effects of sativa strains, while others enjoy the sense of calm from smoking an indica strain. Understanding the spectrum of hybrid strains can help you personalize your cannabis-smoking experience and meet the preferences of everyone in your group.
Cheeseburger characteristics and details
What is Cheeseburger used for?
➜Cheeseburger has been reported to help with pain, inflammation, arthritis.
How does Cheeseburger smell?
➜Cheeseburger aroma is recorded as cheese, coffee, tea.
How does Cheeseburger make you feel?
➜Cheeseburger can make you feel tingly, aroused.
What are Cheeseburger's side effects?
➜Negative impacts ofCheeseburger are dry mouth.
Cheeseburger by Cannasol Farms (of Omak, Washington) is a deep, sumptuous strain that leaves the consumer feeling satisfied, like a cheeseburger after a hard day’s work. With a long, mysterious heritage coming out of Okanogan, this indica-dominant strain was entrusted to Cannasol to ensure its wholesome genetics were preserved. With yield-per-plant weight reaching several pounds each, this plant grows and grows. Cheeseburger has been known to grow especially well with long summer nights, and matures when the first ears of corn ripen on the stalk.