Ghost Dawg review and information

Ghost Dawg is a hybrid cannabis strain. This strain has a high amount of THC relative to the average in the market. Ghost Dawg has 28% THC based on the reports by users.

Ghost Dawg can make you feel and has been reported to help with anxiety. Ghost Dawg has a relatively strong chemical aroma. Some side effects and negatives has been experienced with this strain including dry eyes.

Today, there are thousands of different types of hybrids. Some are high in CBD; others are high in THC. Many contain a mix of cannabinoids. Hybrid cannabis plants produce flowers with both indica and sativa strains' genetic makeup that are either sativa or indica dominant. Hybrid cannabis strains are man-made plants that offer a psychoactive balance with specific kinds of characteristics found in cannabis ruderalis, sativa, and indica strains.

Ghost Dawg characteristics and details

What is Ghost Dawg used for?

➜Ghost Dawg has been reported to help with anxiety, cramps, insomnia.

How does Ghost Dawg smell?

➜Ghost Dawg aroma is recorded as chemical, apricot, ammonia.

How does Ghost Dawg make you feel?

➜Ghost Dawg can make you feel relaxed.

What are Ghost Dawg's side effects?

➜Negative impacts ofGhost Dawg are dry eyes, dry mouth, headache.

Ghost Dawg, also known as Ghost Dog,, is a hybrid weed strain. Reviewers on Leafly say this strain makes them feel hungry, sleepy, and relaxed. Ghost Dawg has 28% THC. The dominant terpene in this strain is limonene. If you’ve smoked, dabbed, or otherwise enjoyed this strain, Ghost Dawg, before let us know! Leave a review.